CGTC Ranked High in Associate Degrees for Minorities

Warner Robins, Ga. – Recent rankings from newsmagazine, Diverse: Issues in Higher Education, placed Central Georgia Technical College (CGTC) in the Top-50 in associate degree awards for five categories among minority students, achieving as high as second for African American males in Business Operations and Support Service related degrees.

In Diverse’s article entitled, Top 100 Minority Degree Producers 2016, the publication ranked schools according to the total number of degrees awarded to minority students, specifically and generally, across several disciplines. In addition to Business Operations, CGTC was analyzed in Mechanic and Repair Technologies (MRT), Education, Homeland Security, Law Enforcement and Related Services (HLENF), Business Management, and Accounting.

“We are excited that CGTC is recognized and ranked in the Top-50 for awarding associate degrees to minorities in the nation; however, our mission remains the same to educate all who seek an affordable education so that they can become contributing citizens in our communities,” said vice president of Student Affairs, Craig Jackson.

In associate degree production for African American students, CGTC ranked, 12th in Education, 25th in MRT, 34th in HLENF, and 43rd in both Business Management and Accounting.

In awarding associate degrees to total minorities, CGTC ranked, 12th in Business Operations and 31st in Education.

For information on the programs offered at CGTC visit the Colleges website at