Bibb County MAGIC Campers to Visit CGTC for Welding Day

Macon, Ga. – Local girls participating in the Mentoring a Girl in Construction (MAGIC) Camp, put on by the Bibb County School District (BCSD), will once again be instructed on welding techniques at Central Georgia Technical College (CGTC) on Thursday, June 8, 2017.

Their trip to the CGTC Macon campus is part of the camp’s itinerary, sandwiched in between days focused on Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Training, Construction, and Electrical fields. The girls will be learning about safety, career paths, and with close supervision, hands-on welding techniques. CGTC’s instructor of Welding, Leonard Partain, will be on hand to teach the girls and assist them in creating a dragonfly out of various metal pieces.

MAGIC Camp is a free one-week camp offered nationwide, and is designed to offer high school girls the chance to learn about the many employment opportunities available to women in the construction industry. The camp provides hands-on training in basic construction skills including welding, carpentry, plumbing, and electrical. Included in the camps schedule is instruction from females who are changing their fields simply by working in them.

“The purpose is to show girls that there are career fields out there that they are not considering,” said Vonnie Angelo, the district youth apprenticeship coordinator for the Bibb County School District.

CGTC’s involvement with the MAGIC Camp has been ongoing for six years. Welding has been a part of the camp for the last four.

“The girls really enjoy welding and it helps to promote the welding program for Move on When Ready high school students,” Angelo said. “We would love for the girls to see what it’s like and be interested in the program.”

Move on When Ready at CGTC is a state-funded high school dual enrollment program which allows qualified high school students to earn college course credit in programs taught by CGTC instructors.

Running June 5-9, the camp will be housed at Hutchings College & Career Academy, 1780 Anthony Rd., Macon, Ga., and is open to rising 9th through 11th grade students.

For more information contact, Vonnie Angelo at 478-779-2526 or

2016 MAGIC Camp participants are pictured learning about CGTC’s Welding program on the Macon campus.

2016 MAGIC Camp participants learn about CGTC’s Welding program on the Macon campus.