Warner Robins, Ga. – A new student organization designed to meet the needs of veterans just held its first meeting last month at Central Georgia Technical College (CGTC), and it already has plans for getting involved in the community.
The Student Veterans of America (SVA) chapter at CGTC is part of the national organization of the same name that broadly works to aid student veterans and their families in achieving educational goals, civilian transition, promote accessible benefits, ensure wellness, foster social networks and participate in community outreach.
“Because we are just getting started, the students agreed they all want to be involved with the community and have selected the Keep America Beautiful program at each of the College’s campuses as a start,” said Dann Webb, the chapter’s advisor and executive director of Technical Programs at the Georgia Veterans Education Career Transition Resource (VECTR) Center.
So far, plans with Keep America Beautiful have only begun on the Warner Robins campus and the chapter is looking for more students to join and help. They will be cleaning up Cohen Walker Drive from Houston Lake to Snellgrove Drive.
Moving forward, the group will decide what other involvement they may be doing in the community.
Webb said he believes this organization is beneficial to the community and meeting the unique needs and experiences of veterans at the College.
Meetings for SVA are held every third Wednesday at 11 a.m. via video conferencing to connect students at all CGTC locations. The next meeting is Wednesday, July 19, 2017. The CGTC SVA chapter is open to any active student or graduate who is a US military veteran, reservist, guard, or active duty service member, and their immediate family members.
For more information on the organization and steps to joining visit, http://www.centralgatech.edu/military/