CGTC Office of Global Initiatives Cements Collaboration with University in United Kingdom

Warner Robins, Ga. – Central Georgia Technical College’s (CGTC) Office of Global Initiatives recently signed three Course Level Agreements (CLA) with York St. John University (YSJU), which will solidify the transition of its two-year curriculum to the four-year institution in York, United Kingdom.

These curriculum matching articulation agreements allow for smooth articulation of associate degree students of CGTC into an accelerated third year of specific undergraduate programs at YSJU. The programs include Bachelor of Arts degrees in Business Management, Early Childhood Education, and Criminology.

Rick Hutto, the executive director of Global Initiatives at CGTC, signed the agreements alongside YSJU leadership during February’s Community Colleges for International Development (CCID) conference in Arizona and said the College is delighted to have added these agreements.

“This new initiative will allow our students in those programs at Central Georgia Technical College to earn their two-year associate degree with us then attend York St. John and earn their bachelor degree in only one more year of study,” he said.

“We feel strongly at Central Georgia Technical College that the enrichment of studying abroad should be open to all our students.”

Both institutions see this as a positive move to cement strong international collaboration.

The next step for this partnership is when Hutto and Dr. Amy Holloway, vice president for Academic Affairs at CGTC, lead students from CGTC on a two-week summer educational program at YSJU, June 30 to July 14, 2018. This trip includes two courses available to students in Humanities and International Business.

Other articulation routes into YSJU undergraduate programs are currently under development.

For more information on study abroad opportunities at CGTC visit,

Professor Rob Aitken deputy vice chancellor, Research and International, at York St. John University, and Rick Hutto, executive director for Global Initiatives at CGTC sign an articulation agreement during the Community Colleges for International Development conference in February.

Professor Rob Aitken deputy vice chancellor, Research and International, at York St. John University, and Rick Hutto, executive director for Global Initiatives at CGTC sign an articulation agreement during the Community Colleges for International Development conference in February.