Evening Childcare Services Begin August 13 on CGTC’s Warner Robins and Macon Campuses

Warner Robins, Ga. – ‘A new day is dawning, and it starts at night’ is the slogan behind the start of Central Georgia Technical College’s (CGTC) Child Development Center’s (CDC) newest service to student-parents.

Beginning August 13, 2019, the CDCs will implement the Connect2Complete Evening Care Pilot program on the College’s Warner Robins campus and at the Early Childhood Learning Center (ECLC) on its Macon campus. The program offers affordable childcare from 4:30 p.m. to 9:15 p.m., for Pell-eligible student-parents enrolled in evening classes. In Macon, children ages three to five-years-old can participate in the pilot program. The program in Warner Robins will serve children age three to five and six to eight-years-old.

The Centers have been building toward the implementation of this pilot program since being awarded the Two Gen Innovation Grant (TGIG) for $35,000 from Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL).

The grant funded surveys and focus groups of potential, current, and former evening students to understand their educational goals and how early education providers can help.

The information from the surveys and focus groups became the baseline for designing pilot evening childcare services and family engagement activities for student‐parents enrolled in night classes.

Connect2Complete will support the piloted evening care by offsetting staffing costs, making it more affordable for families with demonstrated need.

Pell Grant eligible student-parents enrolled in evening or online classes are encouraged to apply.

Personnel at each CDC can assist students in determining childcare costs and aid opportunities.

Follow CGTC on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for updates on the launch of Connect2Complete, and visit the CDCs page on the College’s website at www.centralgatech.edu/childcare

Contact Brett Copeland at bcopeland@centralgatech.edu for more information.

A full breakdown of services is available in PDF below:Evening Care Flyer

For more on the grant-funding behind the innovative program read, EVENING CHILDCARE SERVICES COMING SOON TO CGTC’S WARNER ROBINS AND MACON CAMPUSES