CGTC Adult Education Gives Back with Food Drive

AED Food DriveMacon, Ga. – Central Georgia Technical College’s (CGTC) Adult Education Division (AED) recently took part in a food drive with the Middle Georgia Community Food Bank to provide students and community members with goods in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Event organizers set up drive-thru pickup lines for students and community members to receive food donation while adhering to social distancing guidelines.

iHeart Media and Honeybaked Ham co-sponsored the event alongside the organizations and gave gift certificates, valued at $50 to 60 random food drive attendees.

More than 400 people received food boxes at the drive.

“The Middle Georgia Food Bank partnership and food drive was an overwhelming success,” said Brenda Brown, the Vice President for Adult Education at CGTC. “Each division of the College was represented and worked really hard to fill and distribute the food boxes and flyers on what CGTC has to offer. Adult Education is thankful to everyone for their participation and support of this event. We filled a need for our fellow citizens, and our hope is that we increased awareness of CGTC and made a lasting impact in the community.”

CGTC’s AED is now enrolling online. Visit, for more information.

AED Food Drive