CGTC Macon Adult Education Serves Community with Curbside Back-to-School Bash

Back-2-school flyerThe Central Georgia Technical College (CGTC) Adult Education Division alongside event partner, Well Care Inc., recently held its Curbside Back-to-School Bash on Friday, August 28, 2020, at the Adult Education K-Building on the Macon campus.

The event and its participants gave away book bags, school supplies, masks, and more to aide Bibb County students in preparation for the school year.

The Division regularly gives back to the community. In June, it held a large food drive that served as the catalyst for a school supply drive in August.

The College recognizes the hard work of the Adult Education Division to serve, educate, and strengthen the Macon-Bibb community.

Other event partners included, Care Source, Inc., Work-Source Georgia of Macon-Bibb, EOC Head Start, Macon-Bibb Public Library Without Walls, United States Navy, United States Army, GA School Supply, World Changers Church, Center for Faith and Hope, LLC, and others.

The partners formed a steady line of goods delivered to cars during the event. A full list of sponsors is available in the graphic.

In addition to delivering goods, CGTC recruiters, and a variety of community vendors were onsite to provide information about Adult Education, the College, and public service needs.

Visitors remained in their car to adhere to social distancing practices. Volunteers wore proper PPE to deliver goods to vehicles.

The Division prepared goods to serve more than 250 people. The Division extended its curbside pickup to for an additional 45 minutes to accommodate the line of cars.

Learn what event organizer and special projects manager for the Adult Education Division shared about the event and giving back to the community in an interview with local TV news stations, Fox24:

Photos: Event graphics. Event volunteers hand out goods and school supplies during the event.

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