Experienced Nurses Needed: CGTC Economic Development Offers Accelerated Nursing Re-entry Programs

Macon, Ga. – A new initiative to help nurses re-enter the healthcare industry is set to begin in January through the Economic Development Division of Central Georgia Technical College (CGTC).  

As high demand for nurses continues for the nation and region, and unprecedented healthcare challenges await, the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG), with the support of the Georgia Board of Nursing (GBON), developed two pathways to re-enter the high-demand field of nursing in the state of Georgia, one for Registered Nurses (RNs) and one for Practical Nurses (PNs).

These Re-entry Nursing programs are specifically designed for nurses who have been licensed in Georgia within the past four years, and most importantly, they create an accelerated opportunity to re-enter the field and support at this critical time of need.

“The new Re-entry Nursing programs for registered nurses and practical nurses provide a great opportunity for highly skilled nurses to re-enter the field of nursing and secure the required licensure,” said Andrea Griner, CGTC’s vice president for Economic Development. “These new programs have been designed to align with the Georgia Board of Nursing re-entry requirements and interested nurses will find the classes easily accessible and the license is achievable. We truly want to extend our appreciation in advance to nurses that want to re-engage in the nursing profession at such a critically important time.”   

The RN and LPN Re-entry Programs feature a two-part curriculum of four-week didactic self-study and a minimum 160-hour supervised clinical period, varying in length from 1 to 3 months. The program must be completed in 6 months. Examinations are also required.  

Outlining the curriculum and course delivery model for the new Re-entry Nursing programs was a collaborative effort between leadership at TCSG, GBON, and nursing faculty from technical colleges throughout the state.

The GBON states that nurses who cannot document three months or 500 hours of licensed practice as a registered nurse within the last four years immediately preceding the date of application must complete a Board approved re-entry program.

Coordinators of the program offer advice to interested and cautious nurses, saying that nurses who have been out of the profession have successfully completed the program.

CGTC director of Nursing, Jessica Willcox, said the demand for nurses in Georgia has always been high, but during COVID-19 the need for additional nursing support is critical, and she’s positive students can reinstate their licensure.

“The Re-entry program can help fill the gaps by helping nurses who have stepped away from the profession refresh their knowledge and have their license reinstated.”

Both programs are administered through the Economic Development Division of CGTC in partnership with the state Economic Development Office at TCSG.

The cost of each program is $1,500.00. Financial assistance can be applied for through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The cost of the program excludes costs associated with immunizations, physical exam, malpractice, CPR training, background check, and the Board of Nursing application fee, and any institutional fees.

A full list of program requirements, application procedures and FAQs is available at www.centralgatech.edu/nursing-reentry-program.

For more information contact, Andrea Griner at agriner@centralgatech.edu.