CGTC Foundation’s Tonya McClure Named President of Georgia Educators Advancement Council

Tonya McClure, Central Georgia Technical College’s (CGTC) assistant vice president for Advancement.Macon, Ga. – Earlier this year, the Georgia Educators Advancement Council (GEAC) announced Tonya McClure, Central Georgia Technical College’s (CGTC) assistant vice president for Advancement, as its newest president.

With a background in public relations, marketing and development, McClure began her tenure with the College in 2008 and where she oversees the advancement efforts of one of the largest technical colleges in the state. With over $6 million in assets, the CGTC Foundation provides financial support for initiatives at CGTC.

An active participant in GEAC since 2008, McClure has served as a member of the Board of Directors since 2016. She was initially elected treasurer of the organization and assumed the conference chair/president-elect position in November of 2019.

McClure oversaw planning the organization’s annual conference which shifted to a virtual setting in 2020. The event hosted over 200 advancement professionals in mid-November.

In her role as president, McClure intends to spend the next year, along with the other members of the board, implementing components of GEAC’s new strategic plan to ensure the organization is positioned to continue providing high-quality programming to its membership.

“It is an honor to lead GEAC and work with my peers from across the state,” said McClure. “I have garnered a tremendous amount of knowledge and support from those associated with the organization, and I look forward to working with the Board of Directors to grow the organization and continue the great work being accomplished.”

About GEAC

Founded in 1972, GEAC is a statewide organization comprised of over 200 public relations, alumni, development, communications, and external affairs leaders from Georgia’s public higher education institutions, including the University System of Georgia, the Technical College System of Georgia, and private college and universities.

Attachment: Tonya McClure, Central Georgia Technical College’s (CGTC) assistant vice president for Advancement.