State Rick Perkins Award Winner Announcement Coming May 25, CGTC’s Mary Walker Among Finalists

Mary WalkerWarner Robins, Ga. – In a month that included CGTC’s announcement of a return to in-person graduation, pinning ceremonies, and the regular, fast-paced end of the semester,  the College community also found out this May that one of its most outstanding instructors was named a finalist for the Technical College System of Georgia’s (TCSG) State Rick Perkins Award (RPA).

Mary Walker, the College’s Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) program director, was named the College’s RPA Winner in March. In April she competed in the regional competition and was selected to move on as one of 9 finalists from the Central Region to compete against North and South regions from the 22 technical colleges in the System.  Now after competing in the final competition two weeks ago, TCSG will announce the state winner via Facebook Live on Tuesday, May 25 at 1 p.m.

To view the special announcement, click here:

Read more about Mary Walker here: Mary Walker of Houston County Named CGTC Rick Perkins Award Winner as Instructor of the Year