Meet the CGTC Dual Enrollment Graduate to Give Benediction at Graduation

CGTC Dual Enrollment Graduate to Give Benediction at GraduationMacon, Ga. – As the 2021 Central Georgia Technical College (CGTC) Commencement Ceremony approaches. one Dual Enrollment graduate will be one of the last listed on the Order of Exercises, but certainly not the least.

The College recently selected Timothy Burke, a Dual Enrollment graduate from Houston County High School, following a recommendation from the High School Initiatives office, to serve as the graduate to give the Benediction to his classmates.

“Timothy is an outstanding and model student of the Dual Enrollment program at CGTC,” said. Kim Gunn, the director of High School Initiatives. “Timothy has been a student at CGTC for over three years and has continued to accel in his college classes while being very active at his high school and in extracurricular activities. Timothy persevered to complete his associate’s degree like so many students, and he and the entire graduating Dual Enrollment class he represents should be proud.”

Burke completed dual enrollment courses within the Certified Nursing Assistant Pathway at Houston County Career Academy (HCCA) where CGTC instructors teach the program to high school students. Earlier in May he was pinned by the Health Sciences Division and took and passed his certification exam becoming a licensed CNA.

“Dual enrollment became an option for me because I liked how I was able to get ahead and go straight into my major at Georgia Southwestern,” said Burke, who, as a senior, was accepted into the Nursing program at Georgia Southwestern State University (GSW) via a program called Guaranteed Acceptance (GAP), which assures qualified high school students’ acceptance in their senior year.

Burke’s academic, athletic, career and social achievements extend well beyond healthcare. His first two years of high school included time on the football field, followed by the bass fishing team as an upperclassman. He joined the Spanish Club his junior year and taught Spanish at Lake Joy Primary as part of an after-school program. Burke regularly volunteers at food banks and animal rescue shelters.

His extensive academic record has earned him numerous scholarships, and his work in community service, the Governor’s Service Award.

His most important accolade is arguably having the pride of his parents and family.

Burke’s end goal with healthcare is to become a family nurse practitioner, a career he realizes is predominately filled by women.

“To me, if you are passionate about anything, do it,” he said. “Don’t worry about what other people might say or think.”

CGTC’s 2021 Commencement Ceremony will be held at Brad Henderson Memorial Stadium in Macon, Ga. On June 4, 2021, at 9 a.m. For more information about Graduation visit,

CGTC Dual Enrollment Graduate to Give Benediction at Graduation

About Dual Enrollment at CGTC:

High school students have the opportunity to earn college course credit through a variety of options at CGTC. Dual enrollment opportunities enhance student engagement, improve graduation rates, and increase student learning. Dual enrollment at CGTC gives high school students the opportunity to get a jump start on their college career by earning college and high school credit simultaneously at little or no cost to the student. For more information visit,