VECTR Center Announces Success in “Unite Georgia” Pilot Program Aimed at Connecting Veterans with Resources; Decreases Wait Times by 300%

Warner Robins, Ga. – The Georgia Veterans Education Career Transition Resource (VECTR) Center is announcing the success of a Central Georgia pilot program, UniteUS, whose electronic referral platform connects servicemen and women with social services to assist with the transition back into civilian life. VECTR and Unite US have partnered together to support Unite Georgia, a coordinated care network of health and social care providers.

Over the last year, we’ve used this bi-directional referral platform to make connections for 2,620 veterans to community-based organizations outside of our main missions, to be able to assist our veterans on their path to work —  food assistance, mental health care, housing assistance, and other social services; helping our veterans stay healthy and able to maintain employment,” says Col. Patricia Ross (USAF, Ret); the Chief Operating Officer of the Georgia VECTR Center. “The UniteUs technology provides insights into the outcomes of our referrals, reflects our communities’ capacity to meet emerging needs, and ensures accountability.”

Since using the technology, the average wait time for servicemen and women awaiting resource referrals has decreased by 300% from nine (9) days to two and a half (2.5), while wait times for community-based referrals have more than halved, decreasing from just over four (4) days to under two and a half (2.5). There are nine military bases in Georgia with over 800 thousand former and active-duty members.

The Georgia VECTR Center opened in August 2016 as a state-wide resource for veterans and their families. It has provided well over 70,000 services to the military and veterans across the nation.

According to Col Ross, for those services outside of VECTR, “UniteUS is a force multiplier as it allows us to virtually connect to resources around Georgia immediately to better serve our veterans in need and get them on the path to success.” Unite US is the leading social care technology company operating in 42 states through coordinated care networks and multiple end-to-end solutions for social care.