CGTC Dual Enrollment Students Sign for Employment with Frito-Lay

Students at Houston County Career Academy sign with Frito-LayWarner Robins, Ga.  – Central Georgia Technical College (CGTC) Industrial Maintenance Dual Enrollment students at the Houston County Career Academy (HCCA) took part in a Manufacturing Signing Day event last week, committing their futures to full-time work at Frito-Lay, and the pursuit of associate’s degrees as industrial mechanics.

At the event, seven students signed a letter of intent with the snack foods company located in Perry, bridging the next phase of a collaboration to address local workforce needs.

Frito-Lay plant engineer, Craig Hoffman, spoke of the viability of a skilled workforce the program created for the middle Georgia area, calling it a “commitment by the company to the county, the youth of today and the youth of tomorrow.”

In early 2017, CGTC collaborated with the Houston County Board of Education and HCCA to form the Industrial Maintenance Program. As part of the innovative program, high school juniors and seniors are able to earn Technical Certificates of Credit in basic engineering and maintenance skills for college credit while on the Academy’s campus.

Students are instructed by highly trained professionals at CGTC who know industry needs, which provides each student experiential learning and development that make them ideal candidates for employment with Frito-Lay.

Frito-Lay conducted interviews upon their completion of the TCC to determine hires for its apprenticeship program. Later this summer the students will begin employment and in the fall, continue their postsecondary education at the College.

WATCH WGXA Report:  Houston Co. Career Academy students commit to Frito-Lay company