CGTC Foundation Announces Scholarship in Memory of Local Shooting Victim

Warner Robins, Ga. – The Central Georgia Technical College (CGTC) Foundation recently announced a new scholarship fund named in honor of Parker Killian Moore, the 23-year-old Barberitos employee killed in a shooting on Watson Boulevard in January.

The Parker Killian Moore Memorial Scholarship (PKMMS) will be awarded to one deserving student who meets qualifications, which include, being a single parent, receiving little or no financial assistance, and acceptance into the Associate of Science in Nursing program at the College. Moore’s mother, Leah Heaton Maas, and her family raised funds through a GoFundMe account and created additional scholarship funds at Gwinnett Technical College (GTC) and Piedmont Technical College (PTC) in Greenwood, Sc.

Moore was a former student of GTC, but the family reached out to CGTC to create a scholarship in his honor for the community of Warner Robins where he worked.

“Parker Killian Moore was a gentle soul with a larger than life personality. He had an infectious smile and zest for life that was unmatched,” read a statement from the family to the College’s Foundation. “He loved life. He spread joy and love wherever he went. He loved his family, animals, music, friends, co-workers, customers, history, photography, hiking and skateboarding. His co-workers loved to work with him and customers adored him. Parker never met a stranger. He could have a conversation with anyone and make them feel like the most interesting and intriguing person he had ever met. He was truly remarkable.”

“We want Parker’s light to shine on — to help others reach their goals and dreams. We started this scholarship fund in his name to do that. We miss him so much, and we know that he would have loved having his name on something like this.”

The Foundation scholarship application period is open. Students can apply by visiting the CGTC Foundation’s webpage at, The $250 award for the scholarship will apply toward fall semester tuition.

Contributions to the fund are welcome.

For more information, please contact, Carmen Davis at 478-476-5151, or email

[Photo] The family of Parker Killian Moore gathers following a ribbon cutting for a trail named in Moore’s honor in Warner Robins. The family of his mother, Leah Heaton Maas, raised funds following his shooting death at Barberitos restaurant on Watson Boulevard in January and is now giving back through scholarships in his honor.

[Photo] The family of Parker Killian Moore gathers following a ribbon cutting for a trail named in Moore’s honor in Warner Robins. The family of his mother, Leah Heaton Maas, raised funds following his shooting death at Barberitos restaurant on Watson Boulevard in January and is now giving back through scholarships in his honor.