13WMAZ Profiles Purple Heart Recipient Enrolled in CGTC HVAC Program at VECTR Center

Warner Robins, Ga. – Randy Wynn enlisted in the Marines at the cut-off age of 29, responding to an urge following attacks on 9/11 to serve and fight for his country. Now, the purple heart combat wounded medal recipient is the subject of a recent profile by local news outlet 13WMAZ.

Wynn is enrolled in the Central Georgia Technical College (CGTC) Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) program housed at the Georgia Veterans Education Career Transition Resource (VECTR) Center. Currently, he is an equipment specialist at Robins AFB, training for his position there and also learning skills for the future.

View 13WMAZ’s full story here: 13WMAZ NEWS: ‘I thank God for it:’ Purple Heart gives Central Georgia Marine new opportunities


Photo: Randy Wynn