Heather Williams at CGTC Child Development Center Named State Pre-K Teacher of the Year

Heather Williams (left) smiles as she is surprised by a representative of Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL) naming her the 2019-2020 Georgia Pre-K Program Teacher of the Year for a private childcare center.

Warner Robins, Ga. – Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL) recently named Heather Williams of Central Georgia Technical College’s Larry O’Neal Child Development Center (CDC) the 2019-2020 Georgia Pre-K Program Teacher of the Year for a private childcare center.

Representatives from DECAL surprised Williams with a visit to her classroom where they recognized her for outstanding abilities as an educator and awarded $7,500 to be divided for classroom needs and personal use.

Williamson, a teacher with the Center for a decade, learned she was a finalist earlier in the summer with a similar surprise visit to her classroom.

Williams said then that being selected a finalist was a significant honor, and now as she is the winner, is ready to represent her profession.

“Relationships are what is going to help you the most in your teaching career,” said Williams, encouraging those who may consider teaching to value positive relationships.

“As a Pre-K teacher, I have learned to build positive relationships with the children and their families because children learn best when they feel safe and valued. As an experienced educator, I strive to represent Georgia’s Pre-K Program as Teacher of the Year.”

The College, Center leadership, her colleagues, and of course the children she instructs extend congratulations on her recognition.

The CDC on the Warner Robins campus offers three Georgia lottery-funded pre-k classrooms, one inclusion classroom, and a 3-year old classroom.

Staffed by educators who have Early Childhood degrees and experience providing care and education for young children, the Center also serves as a lab environment for the Early Child Care and Education program of the College. By observing, documenting, assessing children’s development and facilitating experiences as required by their instructors, student gain a practical knowledge of classroom operations.

Photo: Heather Williams (left) smiles as she is surprised by a representative of Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL) naming her the 2019-2020 Georgia Pre-K Program Teacher of the Year for a private childcare center.