
This program provides training in sustainable, small-scale food production to enhance self-employment in farming and related careers. Courses provide an overview of hands-on experience in the production, management, and marketing of small-scale food production and farming.


Sustainable Small Farm and Agriculture Technician Technical Certificate

Animal Healthcare Assistant Technical Certificate

Environmental Horticulture Technician Technical Certificate


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CGTC Admissions Requirements

High school diploma/GED required. Students must be 18 years of age or older.

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CGTC Tuition & Fees

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The AG Tech to Success (AGTS) program, created by minority disabled veteran L. Jonathan Jackson, seeks to increase the diversity of veteran farmers, ranchers, and agribusiness entrepreneurs.

AG Tech to Success is a collaborative effort between Central Georgia Technical College (CGTC), Fort Valley State University (FVSU), and STAG Vets, Inc., that aims to increase the number of qualified veterans trained and educated in food and agriculture production through a comprehensive, hands-on model farm/ranch program within the central Georgia region.

To meet the specific needs of central Georgia’s food and agriculture industries, Central Georgia Technical College developed the Sustainable Small Farm and Agriculture Technician program of study. The short-term specialized technical certificate of credit (TCC) includes hands-on training in the production, management, and marketing of small-scale food production on farmland provided by STAG Vets, Inc. and Fort Valley State University.


Program Chair:
Joshua Davis
(478) 445-3083