The CGTC Academy – Dual Achievement Program (DAP):
Provides a safe and positive learning environment that promotes academic achievement through the availability of co-curricular and extra-curricular opportunities to enhance character development.
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What is the Dual Achievement Program?
The Dual Achievement Program (established by SB204) offers qualified students a recognized and alternate path to high school graduation. Students choose to simultaneously earn a high school diploma and two (2) technical certificates of credit, a technical diploma, or a college associate degree in a specific career pathway in order to meet high school graduation requirements.
[accordion autoclose=”false” openfirst=”false” openall=”false” clicktoclose=”true” tag=”p”][accordion-item title=” What credentials will be earned at the CGTC Academy – Dual Achievement Program (DAP)?” class=”accordion-caret”]
- A recognized High School Diploma from the Dual Achievement Program
- Two (2) technical certificates or a diploma or an associate’s degree
[accordion-item title=” What is the age requirement?” class=”accordion-caret”]
- Students must be between the ages of 16 to 21 years of age.
[/accordion-item][accordion-item title=”What are the prerequisites for enrollment?” class=”accordion-caret”]
- If previously enrolled in a high school, students must have officially withdrawn from their previous secondary program and provide the withdrawal form to the CGTC Academy.
- Students must have successfully completed at least six of the following required high school courses prior to admission to DAP:
- 2 English/Language Arts
- 2 Math
- 2 Sciences
- 2 Social Studies
- 1 Health/PE
[/accordion-item][accordion-item title=” Will acceptable high school credits transfer?” class=”accordion-caret”]
- Yes; There are nine high school credits in the program of which any combination of six must be achieved prior to admission into DAP. However, up to nine of the DAP approved high school credits can be transferred into the program.
[/accordion-item][accordion-item title=”What are the graduation requirements for DAP?” class=”accordion-caret”]
Students must enroll in and successfully complete required high school courses that were not completed prior to admission to the program.
Students must successfully complete any of the following college level credentials:
- 2 Technical Certificates of Credit in a specific career pathway
- Any CGTC diploma program
- Any CGTC associate’s degree
(478) 218-3203
CGTC Academy – DAP Information Request Form