Welcome to Central Georgia Technical College’s Georgia High School Equivalency (HSE) program, where you can find everything you need to know about choosing a high school equivalency pathway, taking your tests or enrolling in classes, and earning your high school equivalency credential. CGTC now offers multiple options for achieving your high school equivalency. Two computer-based testing (CBT) pathways are available through testing centers or proctored at home: the GED® test or the HiSET® exam. We are also piloting a workforce-based solution to a high school equivalency through joint enrollment called Career Plus HSE.
More GED® Info More HiSET® Info More Career Plus HSE Info
High School Equivalency Options Flyer
HiSET® vs GED® Informational Flyer
CareerPlus HSE Informational Flyer
For more information, contact:
Dr. Tiffany Spivey
Director of Educational Initiatives
Email: tspivey@centralgatech.edu
Phone: (478) 218-3369
Dr. Tiffany Spivey
Director of Educational Initiatives
Email: tspivey@centralgatech.edu
Phone: (478) 218-3369