Early Childhood Care & Education

Early Childhood Care student reading to child.

Research continues to validate that early childhood is the most critical time in a person’s life.  Understanding the importance of how children grow and develop is the central core of the Early Childhood Care and Education program at Central Georgia Technical College.  Learn how to appropriately guide children on a pathway of self-control and excitement for learning.


Early Childhood Care and Education Associate Degree


Early Childhood Care and Education Diploma


Early Childhood Care and Education Basics Technical Certificate
Early Childhood Exceptionalities Technical Certificate
Early Childhood Program Administration Technical Certificate
Infant/Toddler Child Care Specialist Technical Certificate
Family Child Care Specialist Technical Certificate

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CGTC Admissions Requirements

High school diploma/GED required. Students must be 16 years of age or older.*

*Early Childhood Program Administration Certificate:
Students must be 18 years of age or older.

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CGTC Tuition & Fees


Program Chairs:
Cristina Leville
Email: cleville@centralgatech.edu
Phone: (478) 218-3797

Paula McGhee
Email: pmcghee@centralgatech.edu
Phone: (478) 218-3204